Commercial Standing Seam
Standing Seam Roofing in Lubbock
Standing seams are some of the most durable metal roofs on the market today with a life expectancy of 50 years or more. Unlike other metal roofing, they have concealed fasteners that eliminate the risk of leaks, rust and loosening screws. This protection is primarily why they are so durable and can last a lifetime. Standing seams are used on walls as well, making them a great option if you’re going for an all metal look. They are more expensive than shingles, but their life expectancy more than makes up for it. One standing seam roof can last longer than three shingle roofs, making them a great investment. We’re proud to offer standing seam roofing in Lubbock, so If you’re thinking about putting one on your home we would love to answer any questions you may have! Visit our contact us page to learn more.

Advantages of standing seam roofing in Lubbock
- Standing seams are made with recyclable materials, which is more environmentally friendly and makes them usable for something else when it’s time to replace them.
- The panels on a standing seam roof reflect the sun’s rays and help your home to stay cool during hot months, helping you to save on utility costs.
- They are extremely lightweight, which greatly lessens the stress on your home’s structure.
- Their hidden fasteners make for a more sleek look while protecting the roof from wear and tear
- These hidden fasteners also make the roof much more durable over time, protecting them from harsh weather conditions.
Got Questions?
Don’t Know what you’re looking for? That’s why we’re here! Visit our contact page to ask us any questions you have, or give us a call at 8068633626. We know that looking for a new roof can be a stressful process, so we want to make things easy for you.